New Construction Home Wall Insulation

  We provide three times of attic insulation cellulose, fiberglass blown-in, and batt. If you need help choosing the insulation to install or you know what insultion you want contact us. Call All American Insulation, LLC to assist you in this decision.

Fiberglass Blown-In and Batts

  Fiberglass is an artificial synthetic fiber that consists of calcium silicates, aluminum and other metals. The process of manufacturing fiberglass is called Pultrusion, that involves fabricating linear glass fibers. Fiberglass insulation has been used since 1930's. Today, Nearly 90% of North American homes use fiberglass insulation. The popularity of fiberglass insulation owes to the fact that it is cost-effective and helps the consumers to insulate their houses from excessive cold and heat. Fiberglass insulation is generally provided in forms of chopped fibers or sheets, and is yellow, pink or white.

Fiberglass Blown-In-Blanket or BIB

  Fiberglass Blown-In-Blanket Insulation is installed with a netting to seal the stud cavity to allowing the insultion to be blown-in dry and completely filling the cavity. You can use this system for areas where the spacing of the studs is not uniform. Also can bw used in place of Batt insulation even if both sides of the cavity are open. The netting can be placed on both sides of the studs. The BIB System can be used anywhere in the home and looks great after install.

Fiberglass Batt

 Batts are in the form of sheets that are cut to widths for walls and attics. Installation of these are great for the diy person with little tools. The only tools needed are a utility knife, and a stapler if you need to secure them in place such as in wall cavities. But before taking this task on read how to properly install making sure to get the full benefit they provide. Not properly installing the Batts can result in a decrease in R-Value due to voids that can cause increase transfer of heat and cold.


 Cellulose is basically glucose-tapped from recycled newspapers, magazines and cardboard which is treated with chemicals to produce an insulating material with varying properties. Cellulose insulation is installed in many forms but for wall installation it is applied wet spray cellulose. Fire resistant chemicals are added to cellulose to increase the efficacy. Earlier it was found that when cellulose insulation was applied to wooden pipes and furniture, it attracted rodents. However, nowadays addition of pesticides in the cellulose insulation has controlled this problem.

  All American Insulation, LLC is here for you. Take time now to explore our website and then contact us to see how we can help you!